Singer Unveils First of Data From the Oregon Atlas of Collaboration

Oregon has hundreds of collaboratives working to coordinate health care, manage natural resources, improve education, grow the economy, and coordinate public safety. In just 258 of those collaboratives, there are more than 4,000 people participating. The Atlas of Collaboration project has just begun to catalog information on those and other collaboratives--illuminating the breadth of how collaboration is helping address some of Oregon's most complex challenges.

On October 6, Atlas team member Laurel Singer presented some of the first findings from the Atlas of Collaboration project to the University Network on Collaborative Governance. Singer, the executive director at the National Policy Consensus Center, gave an overview of some of the 258 state-connected collaboratives in Oregon and talked about the evolution of the Oregon experience with collaboration.

The presentation was the first glimpse of some of the information to be released in the coming weeks. Come back regularly to to find out what's new.

Photo by Ryan Hutton, Unsplash